About Us
Student-to-Student Peer Counseling is a group of trained student counselors offering free, one-on-one, confidential counseling services to UC Berkeley students. Established in 1967 as a student-initiated and student-run organization, we provide a unique service to the UC Berkeley community. Our peer counselors create a supportive environment where students can openly discuss their feelings, helping them develop their own solutions to challenges or uncertainties. Additionally, we offer extensive, up-to-date referrals for students seeking professional or specialized help. Please note that all of our services are entirely free and confidential.
We are not professional counselors, which allows us to connect with students as peers. We believe that supportive, nonjudgmental interactions can make a real difference. Our counseling model is designed to empower you. All peer counselors undergo extensive training and are equipped to address a broad range of topics, from stress to suicidal thoughts. We’re here to listen with empathy and without judgment, no matter what you’re going through.